theoretical is playable for 17 points
charlotte heretical tracheole trochleae
heterotic theoretic tectorial
acrolith athletic chelator chlorate chlorite clothier heroical leachier
reclothe thetical torchlit trochlea aetheric catheter charette
chattier hetaeric
tetchier theatric theocrat corelate
erotical loricate raclette relocate tractile aerolith ceratite
etherial hotelier aerolite etiolate laterite literate tolerate
alethic charlie chattel chelate cholate cholera chorale choreal chorial
chortle ethical latchet leacher
trochal trochil achiote chariot chatter cheater cheerio chitter erethic etheric haricot hectare heretic ochreae ratchet recheat reteach teacher techier thecate theriac
archil chalet chalot
chelae chiral chital
choler choral clothe heliac lecher lichee lochia orchil thecal achier cahier cheero
chorea cither coheir cohere echoer etcher hector heroic ochrea
orache rachet reecho rhotic rochet rotche techie thecae
chela chiel chile choil choli cloth laich
larch latch leach leech letch licht loach aitch chair chare chart cheat cheer chert chiao
chiro choir chore chota chott ethic ichor ocher ochre orach ratch reach retch
lech lich loch ache arch chai char chat chia chit choi
each eche echo echt etch itch oche rich tach tech tich alec calo
carl ceil celt cirl clot coal coil cola cole coli
ach cha chi hac hic hoc
ich och tch cel col lac ace act arc car cat cee cor cot eco ice lah oca orc rec roc tic ahi eth hae hai hao hat her
ah eh ha he hi ho oh al el la li lo ae ai ar at ee eo er et io it oe oi or re ta te ti to
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