timespan is playable for 15 points
Unscramble TIMESPAN
emptins pitmans
impaste pastime etamins
inmates panties patines sapient spinate tameins
pieman pitman pitmen aments amines animes etamin
inmate inseam instep mantes mantis matins mentis
paints pantie patens patine patins
pineta pintas
ptisan santim semina spinet stamen stepin
taimen tamein
pastie petsai
stamp tamps tempi temps amens ament amine amins
anime aspen inapt inept mains manes manie
manse matin means meant mensa menta miens minae minas mines mints names napes neaps nemas
pains paint panes
amps imps maps pams pima samp simp spam tamp temp amen amin
main mane mans mean mein
mens mien mina mine mint name nape naps neap nema nims nipa nips pain pane pani
pans pant
amp imp map pam man men nam nap nem
nim nip pan pen pin aim ami ape apt asp ems ism mae mai mas mat mea
met mis pas pat pea pes pet pia pie
am em ma me mi pa pe pi an en in na ne ae ai as at es et is it si ta te ti
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