trilobate is playable for 13 points
Unscramble TRILOBATE
blottier laborite libretto titlebar
battler blatter bloater blotter bottler brattle brittle librate orbital retablo tablier
triable triblet abettor battier biretta bitrate taboret tertial tortile triolet
albeit albert albite bailer bailor battle boatel boiler boleti
bolter boreal bottle labret libero librae lobate obelia oblate reboil riblet tablet talbot tribal baiter barite batter bettor bitter boater boatie borate obiter rebait
rebato terbia
abler aboil baile baler balti birle blare blate blear bleat blite bloat bolar boral botel brail broil ebola labor liber libra libre lobar obeli roble table abort beira
betta biota biter boart boite botte
able bail bale belt bile birl blae blat blet blot boil bola bole bolt lobe abet abri bait bare bate bato
batt bear beat beta bier biro bite bitt boar boat boer bora bore bort
alb bal bel lab lib lob arb bae bar bat bet bio bit boa bot bra bro oba obe obi orb reb rib rob tab ail ale alt lar lat lea lei let lie lit
ab ba be bi bo al el la li lo ae ai ar at eo er et io it oe oi or re ta te ti to
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