trouvaille is playable for 17 points
outliver outrival vaultier
volatile violater tailleur
eluvial allover alveoli outlive overall ovulate rivulet vaulter virtual vitello
levator outrave
overlit variole violate rouille literal litoral lorilet
outlier reallot tallier torulae uralite
eluvia louvar louver louvre ovular valour valuer velour villae
volute outvie revolt travel trouve
varlet violet virtue vortal viator allure laurel luteal trullo
tuille loreal lourie outlie rillet ritual rutile taille taller telial tiller toller
lurve ovule uveal valli
value vault villa alive ervil
laevo laver liver livre lovat lover olive ravel rival valet valor velar vertu viler viola viral virtu vital voila voile volar volet
volta volte
volti aiver
ulva vill vult
eruv evil lave leva levo live love oval uvea vail vale vatu veal veil vela vial vile viol virl vlei vole volt vrou
arvo aver over rave rive rove vair vato vera
luv lav lev vau ave avo ova rav
rev tav var vat vet via vie voe all ell ill leu lur
ult ail ale alt eau lar lat lea lei let lie lit loa lot
vu al el la li lo ou ut ae ai ar at eo er et io it oe oi or re ta te ti to
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