tympanites is playable for 19 points
tympanies tympanist antitypes
payments timespan antitype epinasty tintypes patients
payment paynims tympani tympans mistype pyemias emptins pitmans
amenity amnesty anytime impaste pastime tintype typiest
inmates mattins mittens panties patents patient patines pattens sapient smitten spinate tameins
etatism matiest
patties tensity satiety instate satinet
paynim tympan pyemia mispen
pieman pitman pitmen enmity painty tempts yamens mateys mayest spitty steamy stymie typist aments amines animes etamin
inmate inseam instep mantes mantis matins mattin
mitten paints pantie patens patent
empty maynt
meany meiny minty mynas nyams
pansy panty pimas
piney pyins
spiny stamp tamps tempi temps tempt yamen amity etyma matey mayst meaty misty pasty patsy patty peaty pesty petty piety samey seamy stimy
amps imps many maps myna nyam
pams pima piny pyin samp simp spam tamp temp espy maty mays mity paty
pays pity pyas pyes spay type yams yaps yeps yipe yips amen amin
main mane
amp imp map pam may pay pya pye spy yam yap yep yip man men nam nap nem
nim nip pan pen pin aim ami any ape apt asp ems ism mae mai mas mat
my am em ma me mi pa pe pi ay ya ye yi an en in na ne ae ai as at es et is it si ta te ti
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