underclothes is playable for 21 points
chondrules scouthered
roundheels uncorseted unescorted
chondrule unclothed chuntered scheduler unclothes consulted counseled lecherous reclothed retouched schlenter
scoundrel clustered coendures
construed consultee consulter countered duecentos
enclosure encrusted reclothes recounted retouches roundheel
electrons undershot unholster dethrones holstered roundlets shortened threnodes underlets deuterons
chunders elenchus lunchers schedule slouched unclothe cholents chortled chorused chunters chutnees
cothurns drenches echelons hercules louchest
selcouth sloucher trenched unclosed censured chortens
chortles closured
coherent contused cornuted coshered couldest crunodes derechos
lunched chunder churned dunches
luncher lunches lurched cholent choused chunter chutnee
clothed cohunes cothurn couldnt
crushed douches dutches echelon euchred hocused letched loucher
lurches notched touched cheders chested cholers chorten
chortle chouser
clothes cloured
churls churns chuted
cohune douche drench leched louche ouched
ruched slouch cheder chesed choler chords chored chorus chosen chouse chutes cloned clonus clothe cloths clouds cohens
consul coshed couths
curdle curled dulcet dunces echoed
dunch lunch churl churn dutch lurch schul chord chute cloth cloud clued could couth crush deoch
dunce eched
hence hocus leech letch lochs notch ruche tench teuch
touch uncle cheer chert chest chore chose clods
chon lech loch ouch such clod clon
clue cold cosh crud cuds cued cult curd curl curn
docu douc duce duct eche echo echt etch luce nuoc
oche scud tech unco cede cels
cud hoc
och tch cel cod col con cru cue cur cut dhu
doc duh ecu hun cee cor cos cot doh dun eco edh hed hen hod hon hue hut lud
noh nth ohu
uh eh he ho nu oh sh un de do ed el en lo ne no od on ou us ut ee eo er es et oe or os re so te to
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