unformatted is playable for 20 points
formatted fortunate outdreamt
unformed unframed amounted fortuned undreamt unmatted outdream routeman martenot
tautomer truanted attorned outrated outtrade
fraenum turfman turfmen
foramen foreman formant foumart demount duramen formate founder manured maunder mounted mourned refound unarmed unmated untamed automen
dormant enamour fadeout
fortune fronted madrone matured mordant mordent mounter mutated neuroma nutmeat remount roadmen
fandom frenum defoam deform fantom farmed foamed foeman foment formed framed femora foamer fondue formae
format funder menudo
refund unmade amount antrum daemon damner
fantod fonder foudre
furane maduro manure moaned modern munter mutant mutton
fumed famed femur forum fremd fumer fumet dunam fondu foram forma
forme found frame funda maund mound unfed admen amend datum demon demur fount fraud frond furan futon maned menad monad monde mount mourn
fume fame farm foam form from fund damn doum drum duma faun fend feud fond maud maun mend menu muon neum
amen arum daft dame deaf deft demo derm dome dorm dram fade fado fane
emf fem dum fud fun mud mun amu dam def dom emu fad fan fed fen feu fon fou fur mad man med men mod mon mut nam nef nem
nom rum tum aft arf
fu mu um am ef em fa fe ma me mo of om nu un ad an da de do ed en na ne no od on ou ut ae ar at eo er et
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