upholster is playable for 16 points
Unscramble UPHOLSTER
plusher hotspur uphroes leprous pelorus pothers poulter sporule spurtle strophe thorpes tupelos hurtles hustler petrols
petrous posture pouters proteus replots spouter troupes holster hostler shouter souther
ouphes pusher tophus uphroe upshot ephors hopers letups loupes posher pother poults pulers pulser
splurt thorpe thorps tophes
tupelo tuples erupts housel hurtle hustle lopers lusher petrol polers poseur pouter proles purest puters replot roupet
plush helps ouphe ouphs
shlep ephor herps hoper hopes letup loupe loups
phots poult puler pules pulse purls slurp thesp thorp tophe
tophs tulps
tuple erupt hurls loper lopes pelts plots poler poles potus
help holp ouph
phut push heps herp hope hops loup pehs
phos phot plus posh pule puls
purl shop soph toph tulp
hurl lept lope lops lush opus pelt peut
plot pole pols pour pout
hup hep hop peh pho pht poh pul lop pol pur pus put sup tup upo
ups hue hut ohu ope ops opt per pes pet pos pot pre pro rep sop suh top eth
up op pe po uh eh he ho oh sh el lo ou us ut eo er es et oe or os re so te to
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