urolithiasis is playable for 16 points
hilarious halitosis lithiasis
uroliths outsails shortias
tissular oralists sautoirs
loutish thulias
urolith authors harlots hirolas
holists lithias
saltish shauris shiatsu sourish surahis
tahsils outsail rituals shortia thorias
torulas troilus aurists liatris
loiasis oralist rialtos
sailors sautoir
sortals souaris
suitors tailors aorists
thulia thurls author harlot hiatus hirola holist hortus
houris hursts hussar hutias
lathis latish liroth
lithia lithos
lotahs rouths
shauri shoals shorls shouts shuras sloths souths stoush surahi
tahsil thalis thiols thirls tussah
hauls hilus hulas hurls shaul
shuls slush thurl altho hails halos halts harls hilar hilts holts horal houri hours huias hurst hurts hutia laith
lathi laths litho loath lotah routh
shalt shiur shoal shout
haul hula hurl lush shul hail halo halt harl haut hila hili hilt hols holt hour huia huis
hurt huss huts lash lath loth ohus rhus rush ruth shui
shut suhs
thou thru thus tush
hui hut lah ohu suh ahi ahs ash hai hao has hat his hit hoi hos hot lur
ohs rah rho sha shi sho soh tho ult ail als alt lar las lat lis
uh ah ha hi ho oh sh al la li lo ou us ut ai ar as at io is it oi or os si so ta ti to
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