vasectomize is playable for 30 points
azotemic metazoic atomizes somatize vicomtes
zemstva zemstvo eczemas atomize coziest maziest mestiza mestizo vicomte vomicae
azotise actives avocets costive emotive motives octaves vesicae atomics comates
emetics osmatic sematic somatic acetose amosite atomies atomise coatees coesite societe
eczema azotic cozies maizes matzos motzas vomica azotes
active avocet cavies civets covets evicts mavies
motive movies octave ovisac vamose vesica voices vomits amices
atomic cameos camise comate comets emetic mascot mastic metics misact
azoic cozes
cozie maize matzo mazes mezes motza mzees smaze smize zamis azote seiza
seize tizes
zetas zoeae zoeas caves cavie
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mavis moves movie vatic vices voces
voice vomit acmes
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size zees zest zeta zits zoea cave cove move vacs vice vims voce
acme came cami camo cams coma come emic mace macs mica mice mics mocs scam aves
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zee zes
zit zoa vac vim cam mac mic moc ave avo eve ova sev
tav vas vat vee vet via vie vis voe ace act aim
za am em ma me mi mo om ae ai as at ee eo es et io is it oe oi os si so ta te ti to
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