wanderlust is playable for 17 points
unwasted wetlands warstled
launders lurdanes rundlets trundles unsalted daunters neutrals transude untreads
sunward undraws unsawed
walnuts wetland trawled tulwars unswear wanders wardens warsled
launder lunated lurdane lurdans nurdles rundles rundlet steward strawed trundle unlades unleads
wanters warstle
wastrel wrastle asunder auldest danseur darnels daunter dentals
eluants landers
durwan lawned sundew unawed undraw undrew walnut wandle
wauled andrew dewans
drawls snawed
tulwar walrus wander wanted warden warned wealds answer dewars lunted
lurdan nurdle nurled
resawn rundle strewn suldan
trawls unlade unlead waders
unwed awned dawen
dawns dewan drawl drawn dwale dwelt lawed lawns unsew waled wands waned wauls weald welds wends dawts
dewar draws newts rewan
sawed sewan swale sward tawed trawl ulnad
unled wader wades waler
dawn lawn lewd wand waul weld wend anew awed awls awns daws dawt dews draw drew laws news newt sawn sewn slaw slew snaw
swan wade wads wale wane wans want ward warn waur
wud awl awn daw dew law naw new wad wan wed wen awe dun lud
raw saw sew taw tew twa und wae war was wat wet and dal dan del den due dur eld
aw ew we nu un ad al an da de ed el en la na ne us ut ae ar as at er es et re ta te
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