waterish is playable for 13 points
Unscramble WATERISH
swather swither thawers
trishaw washier wearish withers wraiths wreaths writhes waister waiters wariest wastrie
hawser rawish rewash swarth swathe swithe thawer
washer whares wheats whiter whites wisher wither withes wraith wraths wreath writhe rawest tawers twiers waiter waster waters wriest writes airths
ashier earths haters hearts saithe theirs
hawse shrew swath swith thaws thews thraw
threw wersh whare whats wheat whets whies whirs whist white whits wisha withe wrath resaw sawer sewar
straw strew sware swart swear sweat tawer tawie
tawse trews twaes
haws hawt hews shaw shew shwa
thaw thew wash what whet whir whit wish with awes raws staw stew swat taws tews
twas waes
wair wait ware wars wart wast wats wear weir wert
haw hew wah wha awe raw saw sew taw tew twa wae war was wat wei
wet wis wit ahi ahs ash eth hae hai has hat her hes
het hie his hit rah sha
aw ew we ah eh ha he hi sh ae ai ar as at er es et is it re si ta te ti
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