windcheater is playable for 21 points
handwrite herniated inearthed
wrenched richweed wretched echidnae enriched handwrit inarched nichered
richened trenched whitened detacher echinate icewater
tarwhine tracheid waterhen whitener withered wreathed wreathen aetheric antiweed cantered crenated decanter deracine
dicentra hetaeric
recanted wintered adherent antherid
centiare creatine
wenched winched watched wencher wincher
witched chewier rewatch watcher chained chanted echidna endarch ranched archine chaired chanter charted cheated chedite
cithern cithren
ditcher rawhide reached retched teachin
tranche wheaten wherein wrathed writhed writhen cairned
chawed chewed whence wrench chawer
chewer rechew winced wretch chined crewed drench inched niched whined wincer achene arched canthi chadri chaine chared cheder chenar
chider chinar detach dreich driech
echard enrich etched ethnic herdic inarch
wench winch crwth watch wecht witch cawed wince ached chain chant chard chide china chine ditch eched
hance hawed hence hewed natch niche ranch tench twice wheen whine width acned aitch awned caned canid chair
chaw chew wich chad chid chin craw crew hewn hwan inch nach
when whid whin ache arch chai char chat chia chit dawn each eche echt etch hawt itch rich tach tech thaw thew tich
caw ach cha chi hac haw hew hic ich tch wah wha awn cad can daw dew naw new wad wan wed wen win ace act arc awe car cat cee dah edh ewe had
aw ew we ah eh ha he hi ad an da de ed en id in na ne ae ai ar at ee er et it re ta te ti
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