Words Starting with S, Containing I and Ending in ATE
Words that start with S, contain I and end in ATE can be really specific, like you'd need when you're stumped by a crossword clue. Fear not! Leave it up to us at WordFinder to find all the words that start with S, words with I or words that end in ATE you want for every word game situation, from Words With Friends® to Wordscapes® and more.
Words With Friends®
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15 Letter Words
sesquicarbonate | ||
1 of 1 words
14 Letter Words
superstimulate |
1 of 1 words
13 Letter Words
subcollegiate | |
scholasticate | |
superordinate |
3 of 3 words
12 Letter Words
sextuplicate | |
subinfeudate | |
subdiaconate | |
sophisticate | |
substantiate | |
semiliterate |
6 of 6 words
11 Letter Words
spifflicate | |
semiprivate | |
syllabicate | |
silverplate | |
scintillate | |
subirrigate | |
subordinate | |
subliterate |
8 of 8 words
10 Letter Words
supplicate | |
spiflicate | |
subprimate | |
salicylate | |
stridulate |
5 of 5 words
9 Letter Words
solmizate | |
spiculate | |
sublimate | |
succinate | |
syndicate | |
sideplate | |
stimulate | |
stipulate | |
solmisate | |
staminate |
10 of 12 words
8 Letter Words
shipmate | |
speciate | |
salivate | |
simulate | |
supinate | |
sibilate | |
silicate | |
sonicate | |
spoliate | |
suricate |
10 of 11 words
7 Letter Words
spicate | |
sigmate | |
spinate | |
sinuate | |
situate | |
satiate | |
seriate | |
striate |
8 of 8 words