Words Starting with T, Containing R and Ending in NS
Words that start with T, contain R and end in NS can be really specific, like you'd need when you're stumped by a crossword clue. Fear not! Leave it up to us at WordFinder to find all the words that start with T, words with R or words that end in NS you want for every word game situation, from Words With Friends® to Wordscapes® and more.
Words With Friends®
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15 Letter Words
thermojunctions | ||
thermalizations | ||
trivializations | ||
traumatizations | ||
thromboplastins | ||
tetragrammatons | ||
transformations | ||
transvaluations | ||
tergiversations | ||
transmigrations |
10 of 15 words
14 Letter Words
temporizations | |
trapezohedrons | |
thyroglobulins | |
tenderizations | |
tropocollagens | |
terrorizations | |
terpsichoreans | |
thysanopterans | |
transcriptions | |
translocations |
10 of 17 words
13 Letter Words
theorizations | |
trichlorphons | |
thyrotrophins | |
tetrodotoxins | |
trichopterans | |
transfections | |
trifurcations | |
triplications | |
transductions | |
tredecillions |
10 of 19 words
12 Letter Words
transfixions | |
thoroughpins | |
touchscreens | |
trichlorfons | |
tropomyosins | |
trypsinogens | |
thyrotropins | |
tyrothricins | |
tourbillions | |
trifluralins |
10 of 22 words
11 Letter Words
trajections | |
tryptophans | |
tuberculins | |
thysanurans | |
tourbillons | |
turnvereins | |
triskelions | |
truncations | |
telescreens | |
terrepleins |
10 of 19 words
10 Letter Words
tambourins | |
truncheons | |
threadfins | |
tyrocidins | |
tarpaulins | |
thyratrons | |
tellurians | |
tragedians | |
triathlons | |
trihedrons |
10 of 17 words
9 Letter Words
thyroxins | |
thrombins | |
turbofans | |
turndowns | |
theremins | |
thermions | |
tragopans | |
teardowns | |
treelawns | |
troponins |
10 of 22 words
8 Letter Words
triazins | |
torchons | |
trypsins | |
trudgens | |
taborins | |
tamarins | |
tardyons | |
tinhorns | |
tricorns | |
therians |
10 of 17 words
7 Letter Words
tarzans | |
taverns | |
turbans | |
tarpans | |
tarpons | |
trapans | |
tremens | |
trepans | |
tropins | |
thorons |
10 of 15 words
6 Letter Words
thorns | |
trains | |
treens | |
triens |
4 of 4 words
5 Letter Words
turns | |
tarns | |
terns | |
trans |
4 of 4 words