10 Letter Words Starting with DEF

10 letter words that start with DEF aren't so tough to find when you have WordFinder by your side. As you consider your options for your next play in Words With Friends® or Scrabble® GO, take a look at how these 10 letter words and words that start with DEF can fit best on your game board. You may also want to check out 10 letter words with DEF and 10 letter words that end in DEF.

81 Words With Friends® words


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10 Letter Word List

defeminize 27
definitize 24
defrocking 24
deficiency 23
deflexions 23
defenceman 22
defencemen 22
deflective 22
defacement 21
defectives 21
defensibly 21
defervesce 21
deflecting 21
defocusing 21
deformable 21
defragging 21
defeasibly 20
defecating 20
defendable 20
defleshing 20
defragment 20
defrayable 20
defrayment 20
defalcated 19
defamatory 19
defaulting 19
defecatory 19
defenseman 19
defensemen 19
defensible 19
defensives 19
defilading 19
defilement 19
definement 19
definitive 19
deflection 19
deflowered 19
defocussed 19
defrauding 19
defaecated 18
defalcates 18
defalcator 18
defamation 18
defeasance 18
defeasible 18
defeatedly 18
defecation 18
defections 18
defeminise 18
deferences 18
deferments 18
deferrable 18
deficients 18
definitely 18
deflectors 18
deflowerer 18
defocusses 18
defaecates 17
defaecator 17
defeatisms 17
defecators 17
defendants 17
definienda 17
definitude 17
deflagrate 17
defriended 17
defrosting 17
defaulters 16
definition 16
deflations 16
defoliants 16
defoliated 16
defrauders 16
defeatures 15
defoliates 15
defoliator 15
deforested 15
defterdars 15
deftnesses 15
defeatists 14
defrosters 14

Showing 81 of 81 words

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