4 Letter Words Ending in TS

4 letter words that end in TS are a great way to crush the competition in Scrabble® or Words With Friends®. Go ahead and check the definitions of the highest-scoring words that end in TS and 4 letter words too. And, don't forget to look at 4 letter words that start with TS and all the 4 letter words with TS.

75 Words With Friends® words


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4 Letter Word List

juts 14
jets 13
jots 13
qats 13
zits 13
buts 8
cuts 8
kats 8
kits 8
muts 8
puts 8
vats 8
vets 8
acts 7
bats 7
bets 7
bits 7
bots 7
cats 7
cots 7
efts 7
fats 7
fets 7
fits 7
guts 7
huts 7
mats 7
mots 7
opts 7
pats 7
pets 7
pits 7
pots 7
wats 7
wets 7
wits 7
wots 7
gats 6
gets 6
gits 6
hats 6
hets 6
hits 6
hots 6
nuts 6
alts 5
ants 5
dits 5
dots 5
lats 5
lets 5
lits 5
lots 5
nets 5
nits 5
nots 5
outs 5
ruts 5
tuts 5
aits 4
arts 4
eats 4
ists 4
oats 4
oots 4
orts 4
rats 4
rets 4
rots 4
sets 4
sits 4
sots 4
tats 4
tets 4
tots 4

Showing 75 of 75 words

Popular 4 letter word lists ending in TS

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