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5 Letter Words Starting with S and Ending in T

Five letter words beginning with S that end in T narrow down the possible plays in Wordle so you get those green squares. S words ending in T are great for a rousing game of Scrabble® or Words With Friends® too. Hit those bonus squares with the best 5 letter words. For more, check out 5 letter words that start with S and 5 letter words that end in T.

75 Words With Friends® words


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5 Letter Word List

squat 15
squit 15
spect 11
swept 11
swift 11
shaft 10
shift 10
skint 10
scant 9
scent 9
scout 9
shunt 9
sight 9
skeet 9
skirt 9
skort 9
slept 9
slipt 9
smalt 9
smelt 9
smolt 9
spelt 9
spent 9
spilt 9
splat 9
split 9
spout 9
spurt 9
sabot 8
scart 8
scatt 8
scoot 8
shalt 8
shant 8
shent 8
shout 8
smart 8
spait 8
spirt 8
sport 8
sprat 8
sprit 8
stopt 8
swart 8
sweat 8
sweet 8
salut 7
sault 7
sayst 7
sheet 7
shirt 7
shist 7
shoat 7
shoot 7
short 7
shott 7
slant 7
sluit 7
snout 7
stunt 7
suint 7
saint 6
salat 6
sleet 6
sloot 6
snoot 6
snort 6
stent 6
stilt 6
stint 6
stout 6
strut 6
sturt 6
start 5
stoat 5

Showing 75 of 75 words

Popular 5 letter word lists starting with S and ending in T

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