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5 Letter Words Containing AF

Five letter words with AF are useful when you want to solve Wordle every day. A comprehensive list of 5 letter words containing AF can help you find top scoring words in Scrabble® and Words With Friends® too. Check the definitions and save your favorite words! For more options, check out 5 letter words that start with AF and 5 letter words that end in AF.

58 Words With Friends® words


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5 Letter Word List

quaff 21
hafiz 19
affix 18
baffy 16
chaff 16
baffs 14
caffs 14
daffy 14
faffs 14
khafs 14
mafic 14
nyaff 14
waffs 14
chafe 13
gaffe 13
gaffs 13
kenaf 13
taffy 13
yaffs 13
daffs 12
decaf 12
draff 12
kraft 12
naffs 12
pilaf 12
abaft 11
afoam 11
bafta 11
cafes 11
craft 11
leafy 11
mafia 11
raffs 11
staff 11
wafer 11
wafts 11
afoul 10
graft 10
haafs 10
hafis 10
hafts 10
shaft 10
sheaf 10
snafu 10
draft 9
leafs 9
loafs 9
afara 8
afars 8
afire 8
afoot 8
afore 8
afrit 8
after 8
rafts 8
safer 8
safes 8
tafia 8

Showing 58 of 58 words

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