8 Letter Words Starting with FE and Containing S

8 letter words that start with FE and contain S can set you on the path to victory in word games like Scrabble® or Words With Friends®. Word lists exactly like these 8 letter words are only a few quick finger taps away on WordFinder®. Dive into words that start with FE or words with S to find your next super high-scoring play.

79 Words With Friends® words


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8 Letter Word List

feckless 19
feluccas 19
fetlocks 19
feminism 18
fencings 18
fermiums 18
feasibly 17
feeblish 17
feedbags 17
fengshui 17
feoffees 17
feoffers 17
feoffors 17
feverish 17
feastful 16
felafals 16
felafels 16
feldspar 16
fervours 16
festival 16
festivus 16
fetchers 16
fetiches 16
feverous 16
feasance 15
feasible 15
feeblest 15
feelings 15
feldsher 15
felsitic 15
felspars 15
feltings 15
felworts 15
feminise 15
feminist 15
fenagles 15
fenlands 15
ferments 15
fermions 15
festally 15
fewtrils 15
fearsome 14
feastday 14
feasting 14
feebates 14
feigners 14
feistily 14
fellness 14
fenurons 14
fermatas 14
fesswise 14
feathers 13
federals 13
feedlots 13
fellates 13
felonies 13
felstone 13
fernless 13
ferrules 13
fetishes 13
feudists 13
fealties 12
fearless 12
features 12
feetless 12
felsites 12
fenestra 12
ferniest 12
ferreous 12
festered 12
festoons 12
fetiales 12
fetialis 12
fettlers 12
feasters 11
feistier 11
ferities 11
ferrates 11
ferrites 11

Showing 79 of 79 words

Popular 8 letter word lists starting with FE and containing S

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