Words Starting with O, Containing I and Ending in C
Words that start with O, contain I and end in C can be really specific, like you'd need when you're stumped by a crossword clue. Fear not! Leave it up to us at WordFinder to find all the words that start with O, words with I or words that end in C you want for every word game situation, from Words With Friends® to Wordscapes® and more.
Words With Friends®
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15 Letter Words
ophthalmoplegic | ||
ophthalmoscopic | ||
orthophosphoric | ||
3 of 3 words
14 Letter Words
ophthalmologic | |
oscillographic | |
oversimplistic | |
orthochromatic | |
overoptimistic | |
optoelectronic | |
organometallic | |
oligopsonistic | |
osteoarthritic |
9 of 9 words
13 Letter Words
objectivistic | |
oceanographic | |
oscilloscopic | |
opportunistic | |
oligopolistic | |
onomatopoetic | |
overenergetic | |
odontoblastic | |
organogenetic | |
osteonecrotic |
10 of 10 words
12 Letter Words
overemphatic | |
ombrotrophic | |
octosyllabic | |
orthomorphic | |
orthorhombic | |
orthographic | |
oligotrophic | |
overdramatic | |
onomatopoeic | |
organoleptic |
10 of 20 words
11 Letter Words
ochlocratic | |
obscurantic | |
oleographic | |
optokinetic | |
orthoscopic | |
osteophytic | |
orthodromic | |
orthopaedic | |
orthotropic | |
osteopathic |
10 of 14 words
10 Letter Words
oxymoronic | |
ophthalmic | |
orthorexic | |
oligarchic | |
orographic | |
obesogenic | |
oligomeric | |
olivinitic | |
ophiolitic | |
optimistic |
10 of 20 words
9 Letter Words
oxyphilic | |
omophagic | |
optimific | |
oncogenic | |
oncologic | |
oligaemic | |
otoscopic | |
orthoepic | |
orthoptic | |
otocystic |
10 of 18 words
8 Letter Words
oxygenic | |
oxytocic | |
oxidasic | |
oophytic | |
ototoxic | |
oligemic | |
olivinic | |
orichalc | |
olefinic | |
orchitic |
10 of 20 words
7 Letter Words
oxyntic | |
olympic | |
obconic | |
oghamic | |
omnific | |
ophitic | |
oceanic | |
octadic | |
ontopic | |
opsonic |
10 of 19 words
6 Letter Words
ozonic | |
oxalic | |
oxidic | |
orphic | |
ovonic | |
ovisac | |
oomiac | |
orgiac | |
otitic |
9 of 9 words
5 Letter Words
ohmic | |
optic | |
osmic | |
orgic | |
oleic | |
ontic |
6 of 6 words
4 Letter Words
oxic | |
odic | |
otic |
3 of 3 words