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5 Letter Words Starting with N and Ending in S

Five letter words beginning with N that end in S narrow down the possible plays in Wordle so you get those green squares. N words ending in S are great for a rousing game of Scrabble® or Words With Friends® too. Hit those bonus squares with the best 5 letter words. For more, check out 5 letter words that start with N and 5 letter words that end in S.

93 Words With Friends® words


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5 Letter Word List

nexus 14
necks 13
nicks 13
nixes 13
nocks 13
numbs 13
naffs 12
newbs 12
niffs 12
neuks 11
nevus 11
nukes 11
nyams 11
narks 10
naves 10
nerks 10
neums 10
neves 10
nighs 10
nivas 10
noggs 10
nooks 10
norks 10
novas 10
naams 9
nabes 9
nabis 9
naifs 9
names 9
napes 9
narcs 9
neaps 9
neems 9
neeps 9
negus 9
neifs 9
nemas 9
nerfs 9
newts 9
nipas 9
nomas 9
nomes 9
nomos 9
nongs 9
noobs 9
norms 9
nowts 9
nulls 9
nunus 9
nagas 8
nidus 8
nills 8
noahs 8
nodus 8
nouns 8
nudes 8
nurds 8
nurls 8
naans 7
nadas 7
nails 7
nalas 7
nanas 7
nards 7
needs 7
nenes 7
neons 7
nerds 7
nides 7
nines 7
nisus 7
nodes 7
noels 7
noils 7
nolos 7
nonas 7
nones 7
nonis 7
noons 7
nares 6
naris 6
nates 6
nears 6
neats 6
nerts 6
nests 6
netas 6
netts 6
nites 6
noirs 6
noris 6
noses 6
notes 6

Showing 93 of 93 words

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