anhydrite is playable for 15 points
Unscramble ANHYDRITE
hydrant dithery hayride hydrate hydriae
thready dentary handier tindery airthed
dietary hairnet inearth therian antired detrain trained
deathy hydrae hydria dainty denary earthy hanted
harden hearty hinder hinted trendy yarned anther dearth dither haired hatred hentai hernia hinter intray
thenar thread ardent detain rained ranted readin rident tienda
tinder trined
handy hardy hayed heady henry hydra hyena theyd
hairy handi hayer
nerdy randy rhyta tyned
dairy deary death deity deray diary dirty entry hared hated heard hider hired neath rainy rayed ready tardy thane
deny dyne hand hind hiya hyte rynd they yeah ahed
ayin dahi
dray drey dyer hade haed
hant hard head hent herd hern hide hied hint nary than then thin tidy tiny tyin
hay hey thy yah yeh any dah day dey dry dye edh had hed hen hid hin nah nay nth yen yin ahi and aye dan den din end eth hae hai hat her het
ah ay eh ha he hi ya ye yi ad an da de ed en id in na ne ae ai ar at er et it re ta te ti
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