detailing is playable for 14 points
Unscramble DETAILING
delating dilating diligent gliadine
aligned dealign dealing dialing eliding gliadin glinted leading tangled tingled atingle dieting digital editing elating gelatin genital ignited intagli
ligated lignite tagline tailing landtie
angled dangle dingle engild idling lading lagend
ligand aiding ailing dating dieing gained gelant
genial gentil
linage nidget nilgai tanged tangle tiding tiling tinged tingle aiglet alined denial dental dentil dialin
eating gaited gelati ignite
gland algid algin align angel angle deign dinge gelid genal glade glean glide glint ingle liang ligan linga agent agile aglet digit eland gated genii giant gilet laden laned legit lined naled nidal tangi
dang ding geld gild glad glen lang ling aged agin egad egal gadi
gaed gaen gain gale gali
gane gean gelt gena gent gied gien gilt glia gnat land lend tang ting anil dale deal
dag dig eng gad gal gan ged gel gen gid gin lag leg lig nag age and dal dan del den din eld end gae gat get gie git lad led lid lin ned nil
ag gi ad al an da de ed el en id in la li na ne ae ai at et it ta te ti
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