neuropath is playable for 16 points
Unscramble NEUROPATH
panther phaeton phonate autopen phorate haunter operant pronate protean unearth urethan another outhear
earnout outearn
hapten orphan prutah uphroe peanut pother punter tephra teraph thorpe threap unrope uptorn arpent enrapt entrap hunter parent parton patron pouter roupet
tarpon teopan
trepan troupe uprate uptear uptore anther author hornet nother protea thenar
ouphe phone prahu ephor hoper phare prune punto puton
raphe thorp tophe
unapt apron erupt haunt netop paeon panto paren pareu paten prone pruta
puter taupe unhat aport apter haute heron honer neath north opera
phon phut puha
epha harp heap herp hope opah path phat phot puna punt toph upon hunt nape neap nope open oupa
pane pant pean peau
pent peon peut
pone pont
pour pout
hup hap hep hop pah peh pho pht poh pun hun nap pan pen pur put tup upo
ape apt hen hon hue hut nah noh nth ohu ope opt par pat pea per pet
up op pa pe po uh ah eh ha he ho nu oh un an en na ne no on ou ut ae ar at eo er et oe or re ta te to
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