Imaginative British Slang That Counts in Scrabble (And in Life)

British words on Scrabble board

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English is a worldwide language. This means it’s easier to communicate with more people all over the world. More importantly, though, it means that various cultures use the language to come up with unique slang terms. One of these social groups would be the British, the original speakers of the English language. Here are some of the most creative British slang words you can use in life and in word games.

22 Brilliant British Slang Words

There are, of course, many more British slang words and phrases than the ones listed here. But, these 22 British words are the most useful and clever lot. Plus, this is the British slang you’ll hear people use the most. In keeping with our interests as a top word finder, these words are also the ones that can help win a game or two of Scrabble or Words With Friends. Right on, old chap. 

  1. Alright: A generic and casual greeting.
    Scrabble score: 11 | Words With Friends score: 12

  2. Bloke: An informal and friendly term for a man.
    Scrabble score: 11 | Words With Friends score: 13

  3. Bonkers: To refer to something as crazy, though not necessarily in a negative way.
    Scrabble score: 13 | Words With Friends score: 15

  4. Brilliant: An expression for when something is wonderful or appealing.
    Scrabble score: 11| Words With Friends score: 15

  5. Cheeky: To be sassy, clever or flirtatious.
    Scrabble score: 18 | Words With Friends score: 17

  6. Cheerio: A friendly and casual way to say farewell.
    Scrabble score: 12 | Words With Friends score: 12

  7. Cheers: A convenient and simple way to express gratitude.
    Scrabble score: 11 | Words With Friends score: 11

  8. Gobsmacked: To be utterly shocked or surprised.
    Scrabble score: N/A | Words With Friends score: 26

  9. Gutted: A expression that conveys one is upset or displeased about something.
    Scrabble score: 8 | Words With Friends score: 10

  10. Kerfuffle: A disagreement or argument.
    Scrabble score: 22 | Words With Friends score: 24 

  11. Knackered: To be extremely tired; exhausted.
    Scrabble score: 20 | Words With Friends score: 22

  12. Loo: An informal reference to the restroom or toilet.
    Scrabble score: 3 | Words With Friends score: 4

  13. Miffed: To be annoyed or irritated by something or someone.
    Scrabble score: 15 | Words With Friends score: 16

  14. Nosh: A casual term for one’s food or meal.
    Scrabble score: 7 | Words With Friends score: 7

  15. Quid: A different term for money instead of using the standard British “pound.”
    Scrabble score: 14 | Words With Friends score: 15

  16. Rubbish: Trash or garbage, either in the literal or metaphorical sense.
    Scrabble score: 14 | Words With Friends score: 16

  17. Rugger: A fan term for the sport of rugby.
    Scrabble score: 8 | Words With Friends score: 11

  18. Snog: Any type of kiss.
    Scrabble score: 5 | Words With Friends score: 7

  19. Trollied: To be fully intoxicated.
    Scrabble score: 9 | Words With Friends score: 11

  20. Wicked: Something or someone that is clever or praiseworthy.
    Scrabble score: 16 | Words With Friends score: 17

  21. Wonky: A shaky or unstable person or object. Can be used literally or metaphorically.
    Scrabble score: 15 | Words With Friends score: 15

  22. Zonked: Falling asleep due to exhaustion.
    Scrabble score: 20 | Words With Friends score: 21

The Bitter Side of British Slang

There you go, a handy collection of British slang words that will serve you well in life and in play. Some of the five-letter words are even valid guesses in Wordle, if you’d like to try those out. But now, to accompany these fun and clever British words, you should also read our list of popular British insults. The British are no slouches when it comes to crafting some real zingers. And, not to be daft, but the ones on our list are some tried-and-true favorites.

Zac Pricener has been a content creator for the past eight years. He’s a bit of an all-around nerd, and he has a bad habit of working movie and TV show references into conversations whenever possible.


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