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5 Letter Words Starting with F and Ending in Y

Five letter words beginning with F that end in Y narrow down the possible plays in Wordle so you get those green squares. F words ending in Y are great for a rousing game of Scrabble® or Words With Friends® too. Hit those bonus squares with the best 5 letter words. For more, check out 5 letter words that start with F and 5 letter words that end in Y.

61 Words With Friends® words


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5 Letter Word List

fuzzy 29
fizzy 28
furzy 20
flaxy 18
fabby 16
fluky 16
flyby 16
funky 16
flaky 15
folky 15
fuggy 15
fakey 14
fancy 14
fawny 14
figgy 14
filmy 14
flamy 14
flawy 14
foggy 14
forky 14
fubsy 14
fugly 14
farcy 13
feyly 13
fifty 13
foamy 13
forby 13
fully 13
funny 13
faddy 12
fanny 12
felly 12
fenny 12
filly 12
finny 12
fishy 12
fluey 12
fluty 12
fogey 12
folly 12
fatly 11
felty 11
fenty 11
ferly 11
ferny 11
fitly 11
flory 11
foley 11
foody 11
furry 11
fussy 11
fusty 11
faery 10
fairy 10
fatty 10
ferry 10
fiery 10
firry 10
footy 10
foray 10
forty 10

Showing 61 of 61 words

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