downstream is playable for 18 points
daneworts downrates
staredown teardowns transomed
sandworm swordman swordmen damewort madworts strawmen
danewort downrate madrones mordants mordents ransomed sandwort teardown monstera onstream storeman tonearms
womaned deworms madwort meadows swarmed twasome
warmest womeras
daemons damners
dormant downers endmost madrone masoned moderns monades
mordant mordent onwards randoms remands roadmen rodsman rodsmen tandems wanders wardens wonders adrowse
enamors martens matrons mentors moaners
deworm meadow warmed womans wormed mowers womera amends andrew daemon damner
damson demons desman dewans
downer drowns endows menads
moaned modern monads mondes
nomads normed onward random redman
remand rodman rodmen snawed
snowed tandem wander
mawed mowed woman women meows mower swarm wames
warms womas
worms admen adown amend awned damns dawen
dawns demon dewan downs drawn drown endow maned menad mends monad monde named nomad nowed owned wands
mawn mown maws meow mews mows sawm smew swam wame warm woma
worm damn dawn down mend wand wend amen anew awed awns dame dams daws dawt demo derm dews dome doms dorm dows
maw mew mow mwa
awn dam daw dew dom dow mad man med men mod mon nam naw nem
new nom now own wad wan wed wen won arm awe emo ems mae mar mas
am aw em ew ma me mo om ow we wo ad an da de do ed en na ne no od on ae ar as at eo er es et oe or os re
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