orthoclase is playable for 16 points
chelators chlorates trochleas
chelator chlorate cholates choleras
chorales chortles eschalot oothecal
schooler trachles
trochlea cheroots thoraces crotales locaters locators sectoral loathers ratholes
chalets cholate cholera cholers chorale chorals choreal chortle clasher
clothes coolths
larches latches loaches satchel scholar trachle
trochal archest cahoots chaster cheroot chooser choreas
cohorts hectors ochreas ootheca oraches rachets ratches roaches rochets
rotches soroche
chalet chalot
choler cholos
choral clothe cloths coolth laches school schorl slatch thecal arches cahoot cashoo chares charts chaser chaste cheats cherts choose chorea chores cohoes cohort cohost cosher eschar hector ochers ochrea
chela clash cloth larch latch leach letch loach lochs aches achoo chaos chare chars chart chase chats cheat chert chest chore chose chota cohoe cohos crash ecash
echos ocher oches
ochre orach ratch reach
lech loch ache arch cash char chat coho cosh each echo echt etch oche tach tech alec calo
carl cels celt clot coal cola cole cols colt cool lace lacs
loca loco talc acer
ach cha hac hoc
och tch cel col lac ace act arc car cat coo cor cos cot eco lah oca orc rec roc sac sec soc ahs ash eth hae hao has hat her
ah eh ha he ho oh sh al el la lo ae ar as at eo er es et oe oo or os re so ta te to
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