thermocline is playable for 21 points
choirmen choremen
nichrome chromite comether
hermetic monticle trichome chlorine comelier hotelmen
intercom chlorite clothier coherent coinhere homelier meteoric notchier reclothe theremin thermion election electron erection motelier
neoteric hereinto hotelier
chimere clement thermic centime centimo chlorin cholent choline cormlet
echelon elenchi
helicon hemline incomer menthol telecom telomic
tonemic chorine chorten
chortle cithern cithren
mortice notcher
trochil centile cheerio cineole erethic etheric heretic lectern lection
chemin holmic
chimer chrome cometh cement cleome cormel crimen icemen income lichen micron mincer cermet chiton choler clothe emetic enrich ethnic helmer helmet hetmen
hitmen lecher lichee menhir menthe
metric nicher
orchil richen techno thence
milch chemo chime chirm hemic merch miche mirch
mitch ohmic celom clime melic mince monic chiel chile chine chino choil choli cloth comer comet comte creme crime hemin hence holme leech letch licht metic micro
chin chon come corm crim emic helm holm inch lech lich loch mice chit choi
eche echo echt etch heme hemi herm home itch limn meth moth oche rich tech them tich ceil celt
mic moc chi hem hic him hoc
hom ich meh mho och ohm tch cel col con elm mel men mil mol mon nem
nim nom olm cee cor cot eco eme emo hen hin
hm em me mi mo om eh he hi ho oh el en in li lo ne no on ee eo er et io it oe oi or re te ti to
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