When you think Words With Friends cheat tool, you should think fast, easy, and practical. And what do you know? Those are the three words that describe WordFinder’s own Words With Friends solver tool. The proof is in the pudding: Or in our name, anyway. No matter what letters you have, if they can make a valid word to play in Words With Friends, WordFinder will find it for you.
Let’s start winning, shall we?
How To Use our WWF Cheat Tool
It’s a close game with your fiercest rival, and you need all the Words With Friends help you can get. You’re thinking about using a Words With Friends cheat tool that can unscramble your letters for you, but you (understandably) don’t want it to take up too much of your time.
Luckily for you, our word cheat tool is as easy to use as one, two, three. No, seriously. We’ll prove it:
ENTER YOUR LETTERS — Yep, just like that. Enter your letters into the text bar that helpfully reads “ENTER LETTERS.” You can enter up to 20 letters, including up to three wildcards. (You can use a question mark (?) or a space to enter your wildcard.)
TAILOR YOUR WORD SEARCH — If you want your word to start with, end with, or contain certain letters, pop those into the appropriate field. If you want your word to be a specific length, go ahead and add that, too. And if you’re not interested in any of this, you can skip this step, no problem.
FIND YOUR WINNING WORD — Click “search,” and our solver will dive deep into the Words With Friends dictionary to provide you with the playable words you need, grouped by word length.
Words With Friends Cheat Instructions
See? Easy as one, two, three. Once our Words With Friends solver tool makes words for you and presents you with your options, all you have to do is choose the word you know will propel you to victory. You can even sort your results by alphabetical order or reverse alphabetical order instead of highest point value. Don’t want to put something down on your Words With Friends board that you don’t know the meaning of? You can get the definition of the words by clicking the “definition” icon.
Easy to search, easy to find. Who wouldn’t want our Words With Friends cheat tool to help them rack up those points?
What Exactly Is Words With Friends?
Words With Friends is a multiplayer word game where players take turns forming words on a game board by placing tiles with letters on them. Have you ever played Scrabble? Then, hey, you’ve practically played Words With Friends already! The game is essentially the same: They’ve just changed the Words With Friends board layout a bit from the Scrabble one, and their dictionaries slightly differ.
The Long (and Fun) Road of Words With Friends
You probably already know that Words With Friends gets a lot of love and attention. But where did this popular word game get its start, exactly, and what fun facts stand out throughout its journey?
Words With Friends Fun Facts
Words With Friends was created by Paul and David Bettner, two brothers who wanted to create a mobile version of Scrabble. Along with their cousin, Michael Chow, they founded the video game company Newtoy, Inc. in 2008. A year later in 2009, they introduced the world to Words With Friends.
It became so popular, in fact, that Zynga acquired Newtoy just a year later in November 2010 for a cool $53.3 million, plus an undisclosed amount of company stock. Just one month later, in December 2010, Newtoy became Zynga with Friends, operating as a subsidiary of Zynga.
Today, an estimated 13 million monthly active users play Words With Friends regularly. And if you or someone you know isn’t one of these 13 million users, we’ve got five good reasons why that should change ASAP. Not enough? Here are some pretty cool fun facts about the game that might sway you.
That’s right. You read that correctly. Words With Friends 2, the sequel to the popular game, has a live trivia mode that tests your word knowledge. You can even win real cash prizes if you succeed in answering every question correctly! Who said the sequel is never better than the original?
Words With Friends Can Change Lives
For the better, that is. From friendships online to budding romances, Words With Friends has transcended the digital landscape and touched players IRL in heartwarming ways. You never know — you may be the next player to find Words With Friends has changed the trajectory of your life!
So, Where Do You Actually Play Words With Friends?
SMARTPHONE — Petty rivalries have no place in the Words With Friends world: You can download the word game’s app on both iOS and Android devices, and the experience will remain exactly the same.
ONLINE — You can also play Words With Friends online on a computer through Facebook or directly on the Words With Friends website. Though the game interface and mechanics are slightly different, the gameplay stays the same.
AS A BOARD GAME — It’s also, believe it or not, a board game now, but that comes with its own set of differences you may want to consider before buying. Still, if you’re down, the Words With Friends board game is a great way to invite people who may not be as tech-savvy as you to join the fun!
OK, But How Do You Play Words With Friends?
Even though there are some minor differences in presentation, each version of Words With Friends plays the same way. You get the same board, the same letters, the same objective, and the same Words With Friends rules. Play on a computer or via the app on your mobile device; the actual game is the same.
Words With Friends game board
The three main parts of the game you’ll need to know about are:
THE GAME BOARD: There are 225 spaces on the 15 x 15 grid. Play letter tiles horizontally or vertically to form words.
YOUR LETTER RACK: You keep seven letter tiles on your rack for each turn. When you play five tiles to create a five-letter word in a turn, for example, you’ll automatically get five new letter tiles from the tile bag for your next turn.
THE TILE BAG: The game has a total of 104 letter tiles. Each player starts with seven, refilling their rack from the bag until it is empty.
The goal of Words With Friends is to form words using the letters in your letter rack, plus the letters that are already on the game board. Words have to be at least two letters long.
The first word played must include the center space, designated by a “plus” symbol. This first word gets a double-word score.
After that, every word must connect with at least one of the letters already on the board. The game ends when the tile bag is empty and one player uses up all their letters. The game can also end when players “pass” three times in a row.
The Scoring System Is Simple
Every letter in Words With Friends has an assigned point value. Common letters, like T and E, are worth fewer points. More challenging letters, like X and Q, are worth more points. The point value is shown on the tile itself.
Don’t Forget About Bonus Spaces and Power-Ups
In addition to the face value of the letter tiles, you can earn more points by playing words on bonus spaces. There are four types of bonus spaces in Words With Friends.
DL (double letter): Doubles the value of the single letter tile
TL (triple letter): Triples the value of the single letter tile
DW (double word): Doubles the score on the entire word
TW (triple word): Triples the score on the entire word
You can combine bonus spaces for even more points.
Beyond the core gameplay, you can further improve your chances of winning by using the four power-ups. You can earn these power-ups through playing or you can buy them in the game. Words With Friends power-ups are similar to those in Scrabble GO, but they are also different.
HINDSIGHT: Use after a move to see what better word you could have played instead.
WORD RADAR: Highlight spaces on the game board where you can play a word.
SWAP+: Exchange letter tiles without skipping your turn.
WORD CLUE: Reveal one specific spot where you can play a high-scoring word.
How Can You Win In Words With Friends Every Time?
Alright, so you’ve started playing. On average, you can expect to get between 300 and 500 points in a game, depending on the letters you’ve played and their values. But now you might find yourself needing some help to form high-scoring words to surpass even your own expectations.
That's where a tool like WordFinder's Words With Friends cheat comes in handy. Our word cheat tool provides you with a list of possible words that you can form using the letters on your rack, along with their point values. (And, hey, don’t worry about feeling guilty: You’ll just join the masses looking for Words With Friends help.)
Need some more Words With Friends help? Try out these five simple tips and tricks you can use to improve your chances of winning.
PLAY DEFENSIVELY — When playing against a strong opponent, it’s important to protect your tiles and the Words With Friends board’s integrity. Try to avoid giving them the chance to use premium squares, and be sure to keep an eye on the openings you’re leaving.
PLAN AHEAD — While your physical body is still in the current round, your mind should be thinking ahead several turns. A great way to do this is to plan your words by entering your letters into our Words With Friends solver tool.
LOOK FOR HIGH-VALUE LETTERS — If you spot letters like Q, X, Z, and J, keep your eye on them and try to make words with them. Take advantage of our WWF cheat tool by asking it to find words for you with these letters, specifically.
DON’T WASTE YOUR BLANKS — Blanks are versatile on the Words With Friends board and can be used as any letter, so save them for higher-scoring opportunities instead of wasting them on small-scoring words.
STUDY YOUR OPPONENT — A lot of people tend to have patterns when playing word games, especially Words With Friends. The closer you study what your opponent’s M.O. seems to be, the easier it can be to predict their next move!
With these tips in mind and our Words With Friends word finder tool in your corner, there’s very little room for failure. Heck, yeah!
What If You Want To Play Words With Friends Alone?
If you’re an introvert who enjoys solitary games like Wordle or NYT Connections more often than player v. player games, have friends disinterested in playing word games, or you simply want to brush up on your wordy skills by enjoying some solo action, we have great news: Words With Friends provides two main options for singles play, where you can thrive and make your own fun.
Try the Words With Friends Solo Challenge
The first option is something that WWF calls the “Solo Challenge.” You face off against themed A.I. opponents — characters inspired by literary greats, for example — on a smaller board. The opponents increase in difficulty as you play through them, so we definitely recommend still taking a peek at our WWF cheat tool. No “literary great” should have a leg-up on you, especially when they’ve got a whole computer for a brain, right?
If you want a different way to practice your Words With Friends game that involves less themes, there’s also the suitably-named practice mode. You can find this mode under the “Create game” option in the main menu. You’ll then be prompted to “practice offline and sharpen your skills” in Practice Mode versus an unnamed computer opponent. Try it out if you’re looking for some solo and practical Words With Friends help!
What’s the Real Difference Between WWF and Scrabble?
So you know that there are similarities between Words With Friends and Scrabble by now (not least because of how often we’ve already mentioned it). Their similarities are so prevalent, in fact, that even our own Scrabble solver tool can double as a Words With Friends solver some of the time.
The Words With Friends dictionary is larger and broader, which allows for what we like to call more “creative play.” The bigger playable word list compared to the Scrabble dictionary means you’ve got more tools in your toolbox, more secret weapons in your arsenal, more, uh — words to add to this list of idioms.
With over 173,000 words that include made-up words that count as valid and playable slang words other word games would turn their noses at, you can have a good laugh (and 18 points) when you lay down the perfectly-legal “bromance” on your Words With Friends board.
The Scrabble vs. Words With Friends Board Layouts Are Different
Scrabble board is a 15 x 15 grid with various score multiplier squares, like double-letter or triple-word, set in patterns across it. You start each game by playing the first word on the center square, which is also a double-word score square.
The Word With Friends board, on the other hand, uses a different layout. Though it’s a 15 x 15 board as well, the placement pattern of the score multiplier squares is not the same. The center square is also just a blank, so the first player doesn’t earn any extra points for playing the starting word, unlike Scrabble.
The Allowed Number of Players In Words With Friends Is Lower
Thanks to mobile gaming, we often forget that up to four players can play the original Scrabble at the same time. Yes, the board can get a bit cramped with that many people, but it’s still possible. Scrabble is a party game at its core. It needs the option to let as many people play as it can.
Words With Friends, however, is only a two-player game. Even though Scrabble is a party game, there’s no denying that it is most fun when played with only one other person. That is the entertainment factor Words With Friends chose to replicate. The one-on-one competition allows players to test their Scrabble word finder skills against each other.
You Start Words With Friends Differently Than Scrabble
To start a game of Scrabble, the first thing you do is reach into the tile bag and pull out one tile. Your opponents do the same. Once everyone has a tile, you compare them all to see which tile is closest to the letter A in alphabetical order. Whoever has the closest letter, or actually drew an “A” tile, makes the first move.
For Words With Friends, deciding who goes first is much simpler, but also less amusing. The only deciding factor is whoever initiated the game. The person who invites you to play a game will always be the first player to make a move.
You Can’t Challenge Words in Words With Friends
When you think your opponent has played a fake or invalid word in Scrabble, either by accident or on purpose, you can challenge their play before you start your next turn. When you challenge a word, you and your opponent check the dictionary to see if the word is a valid play. If the word is not allowed, your opponent loses the points for that word and doesn’t get to replay their turn. And if the word turns out to be legitimate, you skip your next turn.
Similar to bluffing, Words With Friends’ automatic check of every word eliminates the need to challenge words. This helps games move more quickly, but avid Scrabble fans might miss the extra difficulty that comes from deciding whether they should challenge a word or not.
WWF’s Tile Quantity and Values Don’t Match Scrabble’s
Each Scrabble board game comes with 100 letter tiles. Aside from the two blank tiles, each tile has a letter printed on it. And there is a set quantity of each letter. Scrabble letter values vary depending on how common the letters are. Common letters like E are worth fewer points, whereas rarer letters like Z are worth much more.
Words With Friends letter values, and the quantities of each letter, are different from Scrabble. There are 104 letter tiles in Words With Friends, compared to Scrabble’s even 100. Some letters are the same — Z is worth 10 points in both games — but Words With Friends tile values are a bit higher than in Scrabble.
And Neither Do Their Bingo Values
Every Scrabble player keeps seven letter tiles at a time on their tile rack. This means, of course, that the greatest number of tiles you can possibly play in one turn is seven. If you use all seven of your tiles at once, that’s called a bingo, and you earn a bonus of 50 points.
Words With Friends players use seven tiles at a time as well. This means that playing all seven letters in a single turn also amounts to a bingo. The difference is that Words With Friends awards 35 points to players for doing so, rather than 50. With the game’s use of power-ups, reducing the bonus points helps to balance the matches.
The Differences Are What Make Words With Friends Unique
When you stop and take a close look at both games, Scrabble vs. Words With Friends is not some vague comparison. There’s definitely a lot of differences between the two games, and there are pros and cons to both. This is also true of other games that play like Words With Friends, like Lexulous, Scrabble GO, and Wordfeud.
Every game has a uniquely different perspective, but that’s exactly what makes Words With Friends worth playing.
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