8 Letter Words Starting with DE, Containing C and Ending in S

8 letter words that start with DE, contain C and end in S allow you to unearth the highest scoring plays in Scrabble® GO or Words With Friends®. We've made it as easy as possible for you to find exactly what you need, including 8 letter words that start with DE and 8 letter words that end in S.

51 Words With Friends® words


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8 Letter Word List

deckings 19
defrocks 19
dewclaws 19
decrypts 17
decuples 17
decurves 17
debacles 16
decapods 16
deceives 16
decibels 16
decimals 16
declaims 16
decorums 16
decrowns 16
defences 16
deflects 16
derricks 16
destocks 16
devoices 16
decagons 15
decalogs 15
defacers 15
deficits 15
deforces 15
deictics 15
demotics 15
decayers 14
deciduas 14
declines 14
decoyers 14
dehisces 14
derechos 14
descends 14
detaches 14
deciders 13
declares 13
decoders 13
decolors 13
decorous 13
decrials 13
decuries 13
deicides 13
descales 13
descants 13
descents 13
deceases 12
deciares 12
decreers 12
decriers 12
descries 12
detracts 12

Showing 51 of 51 words

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