9 Letter Words Starting with F, Containing N and Ending in ES

9 letter words that start with F, contain N and end in ES allow you to unearth the highest scoring plays in Scrabble® GO or Words With Friends®. We've made it as easy as possible for you to find exactly what you need, including 9 letter words that start with F and 9 letter words that end in ES.

51 Words With Friends® words


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9 Letter Word List

feminizes 25
francizes 25
finalizes 23
fencibles 20
fungibles 20
fancifies 19
fuchsines 19
furuncles 19
finfishes 18
fishbones 18
flinkites 18
flowlines 18
fluencies 18
feminines 17
fibrannes 17
figulines 17
filenames 17
fleabanes 17
florences 17
funhouses 17
feasances 16
feminises 16
fewnesses 16
figurines 16
fishlines 16
forenames 16
francises 16
frenemies 16
furnishes 16
feynesses 15
finitudes 15
flatlines 15
fluorenes 15
fluorines 15
foredunes 15
foundries 15
frontages 15
fulnesses 15
felonries 14
felstones 14
finalises 14
firelines 14
flaneries 14
furanoses 14
fantasies 13
farnesses 13
fatnesses 13
ferneries 13
fistnotes 13
fitnesses 13
footnotes 13

Showing 51 of 51 words

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